AP204 Addressable Fire Alarm Panel is the main component of Redban Solution 2 series. The panel is working on CDS2 protocole. Solution S2 products work with only S2 device range. S1 and S3 devices do not work with S2 solution range.
REDBAN AP204 Addressable Fire Alarm Panels are designed by the leading technology and microprocessor based devices. Repeater panel connection are onboard in the panel.
On main board, there are 4 loop connectors for LK204-CD loop cards. By installing LK204-CD loop cards the panel can host up to 4 loops. There can be installed 250 detectors per loop upgradable to 1000 devices per panel.
On the device there are seperate indicator leds for 16 different zones; Trouble leds, Sound and Alarm indicators, Power, Ready, By-pass indicator leds as described in EN54-2/4 European Norm.